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Generation Z: Know about your money

Generation Z: Know about your money

Generation Z: Know about your money

If you're part of Gen Z, you're probably beginning to have a stronger financial conscience. Financial education is not a commonly taught subject in all high schools, and you may be wondering how to learn about it. Don't worry, we have some financial tips and tools to help you improve your money knowledge.


Among Gen Z, it has been noted that there is a desire to learn more about topics such as budgeting, credit, borrowing and investing. All of these are essential aspects as you begin to take charge of your financial life. In order to help you on this path, we have prepared a series of articles and tips on these topics.


According to Bank of America's Gen Z Pulse Survey (2021), 46% of Gen Z have difficulty meeting their financial goals at their current salary. As life gets more complicated, prioritizing how to spend your money can become challenging. However, creating and managing your budget is essential to ensure a good financial path. Find out more about how to budget.

Establish Credit

For 27% of Gen Zers, building credit is a financial priority. Your credit history can be reviewed by lenders, landlords, and even some employers. That's why establishing and maintaining good credit is critical to paving your way financially. Learn more about building credit.

Getting a Loan

According to the Handshake Survey (2020), 61% of college students would take a job they're not passionate about just to pay off student loans. Making important decisions in life often involves getting a loan. Understanding how to apply for a loan in an informed way will prepare you to count on each step you take. Learn more about getting a loan.


The Morning Consult report (2020) reveals that 35% of teens and adults in the US don't invest because they don't know how. With so many ways to invest for the future, learning how to choose the right tool to meet your personal goals can be the key to a strong financial future. Find out more about investing.

In short, while financial education may not be a frequently taught topic, there are resources and tools to help you learn and improve your financial skills. Use these tips as a starting point for building a solid financial foundation.

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